
Celebrating Energy Independence Month, July 2020

July 1, 2020
3 Min

Each year, our Founder Henk Rogers and the Blue Planet Energy ‘ohana celebrate his home's independence from the electric grid on July 4, also known as Energy Independence Day. Since 2014, Henk’s Honolulu residence has been off-grid, powered by a clean energy system that includes a roof-top solar array that charges a 60 kWh Blue Ion battery system. This system has provided his vibrant, multigenerational residence with reliable, high-quality, renewably-sourced electricity for six years. As a testament to the quality of our products, his battery system has done over 1,250 full cycles with zero issues, demonstrating how energy independence is not only possible, but utterly desirable.This year, we are extending Energy Independence Day by proclaiming the month of July as Energy Independence Month. The global pandemic shutdowns have motivated taking this celebration virtual, and you will see new content throughout the month that honors those who have joined us in our mission to accelerate the use of clean energy and claimed their energy sovereignty. We celebrate the right to self-determination on how and when our energy is generated, stored, and consumed!

Our approach to creating grid-optional energy solutions has always been holistic, and we continually innovate our premium products. Our solutions are not just about what sits in your home or business -- which reflects our commitment to the highest level of quality and reliability -- but also reflect how we have optimized for the many challenges in energy storage across the supply chain, the chemicals used in the battery cells and what product end-of-life might look like. We know that we have a responsibility to do our best to make sure our solutions that go out in the world are themselves inherently safe to operate and minimize harm to the environment.We aim to create a world where humanity and nature are in harmony. Join us in our celebration of Energy Independence Month throughout July on social media, #4energyindependence.Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | YouTube