
Join the Blue Planet Energy ‘Ohana

January 1, 2020

Henk Rogers of Tetris fame innovated the Blue Ion line of energy storage solutions and founded Hawaii-based Blue Planet Energy.

His goal of eliminating global dependence on carbon-based fuels guides Blue Planet Energy’s mission-driven approach to technology development. Blue Planet Energy’s energy storage systems are used by both businesses and homeowners to provide energy security, independence from the utility grid, and to drive the increased use of renewable power generation.

Grid Independence

When installed with a solar-electric system, the Blue Ion battery stores solar energy for use during utility grid disruptions, at night, or for completely grid-independent systems. And, unlike generator-only systems, a solar-powered Blue Ion system will reduce your electric bill day in and day out.

graphic of grid connected and off grid battery systems

The Blue Planet Energy Advantage

  • 15-year performance warranty -- longest battery performance warranty available with zero maintenance required
  • Safe, non-toxic, and conflict-free -- fire-safe lithium ferrous phosphate (LFP) battery technology with no cobalt
  • Expandable to meet your needs -- battery capacity options for homes and businesses, large and small
  • Seamless integration and flexibility -- integrates with new or existing solar-electric or backup generator systems to provide electric power when you need it, 24/7
image of a battery enclosure

Blue Ion 2.0

The 16 kWh capacity of the Blue Ion 2.0 cabinet provides an optimal building block for modular high-capacity, low-voltage (50 Vdc nominal) energy storage systems. Integrators can seamlessly parallel cabinets for system capacities of up to 448 kWh, making Blue Ion 2.0 the ideal energy storage solution for high-capacity systems using low-voltage power conditioning equipment. Download datasheet.

Blue Ion LXHV

graphic of battery system

Our Blue Ion LXHV is a premium Grid Optional energy solution that integrates the energy storage, system intelligence, and site controls needed to be grid-free. Blue Ion LXHV is flexible and can also work in conjunction with the grid or generators in order to optimize using them, providing you the widest range of energy options. Built-in Chicago, Blue Ion LXHV is ruggedized for use cases where energy is absolutely critical (emergency services/healthcare) or prohibitively high-cost (business continuity/utility rate structures). Download datasheet.

Customer Stories

Elaine Invests in Energy Independence After Hurricane Maria

After Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico in 2017, the island’s whole energy system collapsed. Elaine considered herself more fortunate than others having lost power for only 22 days, yet the traumatic experience is what drove her to invest in renewable energy. She feels it is one of the best investments made to her home and feels protected knowing she does not have to worry if she will have electricity or not. Watch to hear Elaine’s story and how thanks to her solar plus energy storage system, she does not even know when the power goes out anymore.David Takahashi Lives the Change

David Takahashi in Boulder, Colorado, has taken his home to “net positive” by installing a solar-plus-storage system that serves his home’s energy needs whether the electric grid is functioning or not. Hear from David about his journey toward energy resilience and his advice for those seeking to follow in his footsteps.Rosanne Ratkiewich Prepares for Public Safety Power Shutoffs

Rosanne Ratkiewich and her husband had purchased their own home in Oakland, California, and knew they wanted to create a model of energy independence there using renewable energy. When the first public safety power shutoffs (PSPS) hit the Bay Area during the 2019 wildfire season, a backup battery solution became critical for energy continuity - especially important for their medical supplies that required refrigeration. Watch to hear Rosanne’s story and her call for others seeking energy independence to take advantage of rebates and incentives that are available for clean energy systems.Order your Blue Ion system now.